eBook FAQs — Anthroposophic Press

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eBook FAQs


How do I open ePub files?

EPUB files can be opened in most e-book readers, including the B&N Nook, Kobo eReader, and Apple's Books app.

EPUB files can also be opened on a computer with several free programs

  • Google Play

  • Calibre, Adobe Digital Editions

  • Apple Books

  • EPUB File Reader

  • Stanza Desktop

  • Okular

  • Sumatra PDF

Mac users can read EPUB files with Kitabu

Open in Browser

  • Windows 10 - Microsoft Edge browser — no additional software necessary.

  • Firefox Add-on (EPUBReader) and Chrome app (Simple EPUB Reader) that allow you to read EPUB files in the browser just like other documents.

Kindle Users

There’s an extra step for Kindle users, but you can use your device to read epubs successfully if you:

How do I Read a PDF file?

PDFs will easily open in a viewer on all devices. However, you will not be able to change the type size, only zoom in or out.

Can I return an ebook?

Returns are accepted within 5 days of purchase. Contact us here.